WheeliWeb Gazette
The Official Newsletter of #Disabled NewNet
May 1998

Tiny Tidbits

by Carly Matthews

Recipes from #Disabled

Last month, #Disabled operator Mimi Cummins wrote about her plans for a new web site, Recipes from #Disabled.  The site will include favorite recipes and cooking tips for the disabled.  Mimi is still looking for more submissions, so please share any recipes or cooking tips you might have with her.  Mimi can be reached on the #Disabled IRC channel or by e-mail at mimi@lino.com.

Looking for Writers

We are always looking for outside submissions to be included in WheeliWeb Gazette.  Areas open for submissions are "Gimp Giggles" (our humor column), "Creative Corner" (our creative writing area for poetry, short fiction, etc.), and our future opinion column, which is untitled at this time.  If you have anything to submit for these areas or if you'd like to write an occasional article for us, please let us know.

Survey Ideas Needed

You may have noticed that we recently added a new area to WheeliWeb Gazette.  The survey area, titled "Readers' Voice", is in its third month here at the Gazette, and we have already run out of survey ideas!  If you have an idea for a survey, or if there is an issue you'd like to see others' opinion on, please make your suggestion via the feedback form.

Code of Conduct

Due to recent problems with some abusive members who took advantage of the casual, virtually unregulated atmosphere at #Disabled, we (the owner, operators and members) have developed the #Disabled Code of Conduct.  This code will serve as a sort of constitution for #Disabled, and may be amended from time to time.  All members and visitors to #Disabled carry the responsibility of reading the Code of Conduct, and "not

knowing" will not be accepted as an excuse for future abuse.

In the Mail...

Yvette Niccolls writes:

"Our friends, a family of four who live in Scotland, want to visit us this summer for 2-4 weeks. Graham (the dad) was in a serious car accident two years ago and is paralyzed from the waist down. They need a house or condo that is wheelchair accessible. They would love to rent or trade a home this summer '98. We live in Danville, California about 35 miles East of San Francisco. Their kids, ages 13 and 16 are very well behaved. I would be very grateful for any leads or suggestions; so far I have not had much luck."

If you have any suggestions or can help these people, please contact Yvette at yniccolls@clpccd.cc.ca.us.

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